Retailing Mia Bella Candles

Retailing our Mia Bella Candles! 

There’s no faster way to create an income in this business than retailing our Mia Bella candles! Start your own candle business today.

Most importantly, who do you know burns Scented Candles? MOST people burn candles and/or use melts in their homes often!

Click HERE to > View our Digital Product Guide!

The process of retailing our Mia Bella candles is so simple! Since most people already buy scented candles and many of the other products available, they will be open to look at what you have to offer. Most people use candles & melts in their homes. Once you let them smell the Mia Bella gourmet candle and browse Product Guide, you are assured a sale!

With Retailing our Mia Bella products, a simple “show and smell” demonstration will put money in your pocket!

“When my sponsor told me that this was a “smell and sell” business I thought she was joking. But then I got a booth at a craft fair and it was true! All I did was open the jar and asked people if they liked to burn candles. Once they smelled the candle they had to have their own. It really IS a “smell and sell” business.
– Kimberli Ann C, MN

Regardless of which Getting Started Package you begin with, you can make a nice profit right away upon becoming a Mia Bella distributor — unless you hide all the products in a closet and don’t let anyone know you have it!

Be sure to visit my Company Website to see and learn more about the variety of products you’ll have available to you as a Mia Bella distributor.

The BEST candles!

Lifestyling this business is so simple with our Mia Bella products.

Above all, since the core product is a candle, the technique of just smelling and selling works for everyone!

Scent samples are a valuable marketing tool also. Take a scent sample, add a label with the scent you selected, attach the bag to one of your business cards or catalogs, and hand them out as you run your errands and go about your life! Lifestyling your business… it’s that simple.

For instance, when you stop by the grocery store, the bank, dry cleaners or even when taking the family out to eat, always have scent samples with you and ask those you meet, “Do you burn scented candles or use melts?” They normally say YES! Then I just say “Here is a free gift. Be sure to go to my website and fill out the candle drawing. We have winners each week & give out lots of prizes!”

Be prepared, most don’t say yes. Most will reply with a “YES! I love candles!” Then, you just hand them a sample attached to one of your business cards. It’s that simple! A wonderful way to share your candle business.

Watch this short video on our products! 

Options of retailing the Mia Bella products are unlimited. Take a look at just a few of the ways distributors have had success:

*Online Retail Sales

*Word of Mouth Through Family and Friends

*Home Parties

*Open Houses

*Office Parties

*Show on the Go

*Facebook Parties / Lives in a VIP Group

*Craft Shows/Vendor Events

*Catalog Parties

*Office Parties

*Street Fairs & Festivals

*Gift Baskets & Crafts

*Farmers Markets

*Trade Shows

*County & State Fairs

*Fundraising for groups & organizations

*Display in hair salons, spas, tanning salons, family owned gift shops, nail salons, dog groomers, etc.

AND even out of the trunk of your car!


How much money can you make from retailing Mia Bella candles?

We have an incredible profit margin with our candle business. As a Monthly Website Bundle distributor, your profit is anywhere from 41%-50%! That really is incredible.

Promotional Gifting – Custom Label Mia Bella Candles

Our Mia Bella Custom Label candles are wonderful for:

Real Estate Agents
Auto Dealer or Sales Professional
Insurance Agent
Home Builder or Home Remodeler
Owner of a Furniture Store
Residential or Professional Cleaner (carpet, windows, etc.)
Non-Profit Organization (they all have volunteers)

Basically, the Promotional Gift/Custom label candle can be customized for ANY situation when immediately (or over time) 12 or more gifts are needed.

Looking at the list of suggestions above (and this is only a few ideas to get you thinking), who do you know who is tired of giving the same old gifts? Why not give a Mia Bella Gourmet Scented candle with customized information right on the label? Think of the label as an unique ‘business card’ for that special need to gift presents itself!

This is the way to show friends, customers, or prospects that the “gift giver” cares to give only the best! A custom label candle is a wonderful gift to give.

They may choose a predesigned label then provide their company’s logo or any desired image to be reproduced on the jar’s label or have a custom design created.

As a Mia Bella distributor, this is another avenue to make extra income from home with our candle business.

Company Overview!

Are YOU ready to start earning money with Mia Bella Gourmet Candles?