Tag Archive | best candles

Mia Bella Spring Scents!

Mia Bella Candles Spring Scents!

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Mia Bella Candles Spring Scents

As we enter the season of new beginnings, you might want to consider a fragrance refresh! Spring is a far cry from the cold, sleeping winter. Adjust your fragrance in your home to suit your spring mood.

Do you like floral or garden scents? Clean scents? How about Fruity?

Bamboo Rain

Blueberry Muffin



Ginger Lime

Lavender Chamomile

Lemongrass & Vanilla


Neroli Blossom

Orange Blossoms

Rose Garden

Rustic Peach Blossom

Sandalwood & Vanilla


Sweet Pea

White Tea & Garden Sage

What are candle notes?

Why Mia Bella’s Scent Sations gourmet candles? Because our Mia Bella’s are made with palm wax, it means our candles are NOT made of paraffin. In other words, paraffin wax really is petroleum oil. Petroleum oil is what causes that black soot around your jars, on walls, carpets and even your lungs! If you have used candles that produce that black soot, we have a much cleaner alternative for you.

Therefore, our Mia Bella’s are clean burning and practically soot free. I have used many different candles over the years and our Mia Bella’s, by far, are the very best candles on the market! I won’t use another candle besides Mia Bella’s candles.


Why Use Candles?

Mia Bella’s Candles Overview

Mia Bella’s candles are a perfect way to add a wonderful scent to your space, and take away unwelcome odors. There are a wide variety of scented candles in a number of fragrance types. Everything from fruity to baked goods, from herbal & earthy to airy & clean. From woodsy & masculine to floral & feminine, from food & drink to seasonal & festive.

I am a firm believer in adding scent without the black soot: candles made from palm wax are soot free, non-toxic, burn clean, and last much longer than traditional paraffin which produces black soot and releases toxic chemicals into the air in your home.

Candles are also known for their soothing, healing properties and are often used by therapists. Massage therapists, to create a peaceful ambiance in their therapy rooms. The sheer act of lighting a candle, its lovely flicker and the gentle glow it creates, helps ease and soothe the mind.

Also, our sense of smell is strongly tied with our memories.  We often associate a specific scent with a moment or memory. One of the joys of selling candles is when our customers share memories as they smell our fragrances. For instance, Grandma’s Kitchen scent reminds my of my grandma in the kitchen cooking during the holidays.  Key Lime Pie reminds me of the time our family went to Florida and ate the amazing Florida Key Lime pies. Also, Lilac reminds me of the Lilac bush my mom had in her back yard and the wonderful smell of it coming into our home.

Why Mia Bella Candles?

More information on our amazing business opportunity!

Mia Bella Signature Jars

Earn a great part time income with our Mia Bella’s!

Clean Burning Mia Bella Candles!

Natural palm wax

Go Green! Our Mia Bella candles are clean burning with none of that black soot on the jars!  Not soy, but made with natural Palm Wax. We have a beautiful, crystallized look on the wax.  They smell amazing!

“Going Green” has become a prominent phrase for many companies, and a conscious choice for many families. Mia Bella’s is doing its part too! Take our “Going Green” natural product line, wrap them up into one dynamic business and you have a company helping people enjoy life’s pleasures in a whole new healthier way!

Mia Bella’s candles embody the combination of green technology waxes, highest quality fragrances, and hand poured quality control to produce the best product a candle lover can buy. A $20 Mia Bella’s candle is often better than candles that cost $50 or more. Mia Bella’s consumers get full value for their dollars spent.

Creating an ambience of pure pleasure is the result of lighting any Mia Bella’s candle and wrapping yourself with a beautiful earth friendly fragrance experience. Our fragrances are so rich your senses will think they are experiencing the real thing. Plus, our clean burning candles make it a perfect candle for any environmentally conscious lifestyle. “Going Green” never smelled so good!

With Scent-Sations “Going Green” never looked, smelled, or felt so good!

Read more here Go Green with Mia Bella Candles!

Mia Bella’s candles are made in the USA with the highest quality ingredients that offer consumers a high-end performing candle/melt but at an affordable cost.

Buy your Mia Bella candles HERE! 


Learn more about our amazing Mia Bella candles & also the business opportunity at 


Enter to Win! Free 16oz Candle!

Enter to win!

You will LOVE our incredible smelling Mia Bella Candles! Enter to win a FREE Candle!

Winners are drawn every Monday!

Enter candle drawing here!

Going Green Never Looked or Smelled So Good!

What are our Mia Bella’s made of? “Going Green” has become a prominent phrase for many companies, and a conscious choice for many families. Our company is doing its part too! For instance, take our exploding “Going Green” natural product lines & wrap them up into one dynamic business. You have a company helping people enjoy life’s pleasures in a whole new healthier way!

Also, we have 100% cotton wicks in all our candles.

Creating an ambience of pure pleasure is the result of lighting any Mia Bella’s candle and wrapping yourself with a beautiful earth friendly fragrance experience. In other words, our fragrances are so rich your senses will think they are experiencing the real thing. Plus, our clean burning natural wax makes it a perfect candle for any environmentally conscious lifestyle. “Going Green” never smelled so good!

Mia Bella Candles – Scent-Sations, Inc. is a solid company with unique, consumable product lines. In addition, we have a low cost of entry into a trend toward healthier alternatives.


Would you like to receive discounts on Mia Bella candle products for your own personal use? Earn a wonderful part time income too with our amazing Mia Bella candles & melts!  No home parties, several ways to earn!  Go to www.AlisonBoers.com

Struggling in your business?

Are you struggling in your business to make any money at all?  Maybe you’re just breaking even, but just can’t grow your business enough to meet those goals and expectation you had when you first started.

You’ve reached the point where most direct sales wannabe’s call it quits..

Don’t be a wannabe…

You know, the difference between distributors who struggle just to make a dime and the super affiliates making thousands of dollars of monthly residual income is that the super affiliates have pushed through the hard times, learned from their mistakes, and gone on to become rockstars. We are all the same. It doesn’t take a degree to be successful in your business. You just have to want it bad enough and not let anything get in the way of your dreams.

Don’t be a wannabe… JUST DO IT! Everyone struggles, remember that. It’s the one’s that throw in the towel and don’t want to climb that next mountain are the one’s who aren’t successful and stay in the same pattern of life, over and over and over again. Be different. Do it for YOU and your family. Go against the norm. Keep the vision, do what it takes.



Learn more about my amazing Mia Bella candles business opportunity! Great part time income. Go to > www.AlisonBoers.com

Enter to win a FREE bag of Mia Melts and a Melter!  Enter here!

The Fear of Losing

Do you have a fear of losing when it comes to your network marketing/direct sales business?

“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

Most people play not to lose than they actually play to win. Stepping in a direction of changing your life will always have a risk of it not working out but always consider the alternative. What happens if you don’t change your life? Do you want to be exactly where you are in 5-10 years? I surely don’t!  Feel the same way? Do something to change that.

If you have never heard of the law of attraction I would highly recommend you to watch the movie “Secret”. But long story short, what you focus on grows in your life. Therefore, if you are constantly focusing on negative things in your life and business, then you will attract even more negative things. However, when you shift your focus on all the positive things around you, you will start attracting more of the positive stuff in your life including your business. 

Play to win and get ahead in your life. What is your WHY in building your business? Really think about that. What is the WHY that makes you cry?  Why did you start your business? Really think about that, put it in front of you daily, and step out of that comfort zone so your not stuck.  You got this! 


Start your own Mia Bella candle business too!  www.AlisonBoers.com


Scent-Sations, Inc. Free Weekly Drawing for wax melter and wax melts / wax tarts plus every entry will receive a free guide, “Secrets Of Candle-Burning Success”

Weekly Drawing!  Enter to win!



Earn Income With Mia Bella Candles

work from home


Earn income from home with our Mia Bella candles – Scent Sations! It’s an incredible candle business which is fun and profitable!

I can’t believe I have been with Mia Bella candles almost 12 years now! How time flies! What an amazing company and journey this has been. It has enabled me to help pay some of those huge college expenses for my two girls. I am recently retired, but for years I have been working this business alongside a full time job. I work this business every single chance of I have because I not only love receiving these great Mia Bella candles at a discount, but I enjoy helping people see that they CAN make a good income from home too.  AND no home parties and no quotas!

Love beautiful scents & natural wax candles? Come join us! We have a couple of different signup options starting at $59.95 – $114.95.

Become a wholesale Mia Bella distributor and receive discounted candles for your own personal use too!

Our Mission: To provide an opportunity for a better life through unique, high-quality products, excellent compensation and business integrity.

Scent-Sations is perfect for anyone! Some people join just to save money on product purchases. Some join to make extra money each month while others are looking for a new, exciting career where they can be their own boss and have unlimited potential!

Scent-Sations is the little company where you can dream BIG dreams. We invite you to join us. You won’t regret that decision for a single day of your life!

Join as a mia bella distributor

Mia Bella’s are the best candles!

Enter FREE weekly drawing!

mia bella distributor


19 Things To Be Successful


19 Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful

You have to do the hard things.

What are the 19 hard things you need to do to be successful?

Make the call you’re afraid to make.

Get up earlier than you want to get up.

Give more than you get in return right away.

Care more about others than they care about you.

Fight when you are already injured, bloody, and sore.

Feel unsure and insecure when playing it safe seems smarter.

Lead when no one else is following you yet.

Invest in yourself even though no one else is.

Look like a fool while you’re looking for answers you don’t have.

Grind out the details when it’s easier to shrug them off.

Deliver results when making excuses is an option.

Search for your own explanations even when you’re told to accept the “facts.”

Make mistakes and look like an idiot.

Try and fail and try again.

Run faster even though you’re out of breath.

Be kind to people who have been cruel to you.

Meet deadlines that are unreasonable and deliver results that are unparalleled.

Be accountable for your actions even when things go wrong.

Keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what’s in front of you.

You have to do the hard things. The things that no one else is doing. The things that scare you. The things that make you wonder how much longer you can hold on.

Those are the things that define you. Those are the things that make the difference between living a life of mediocrity or outrageous success.

Hard things are the easiest things to avoid. To excuse away. To pretend like they don’t apply to you.

The simple truth about how ordinary people accomplish outrageous feats of success is that they do the hard things that smarter, wealthier, more qualified people don’t have the courage — or desperation — to do.

Do the hard things. You might be surprised at how amazing you really are.

~Dan Waldschmidt~

Earn with candles!

Meet Alison!