Tag Archive | direct sales coaching

Some Succeed, Others Struggle

There are reasons why some people succeed, while others struggle.


If you’re having difficulty converting prospects, here are 10 tips that can give you a leg up:

1. Make an excellent first impression: You may only get a few minutes to really impress someone.

2. Know what you don’t know: The easiest way to turn potential customers off is to come off like a know-it-all.

3. Practice what others teach: Find role models or mentors in the field and watch what they do, then emulate it.

4. Remember people’s names and faces: You never know when remembering someone is going to mean the difference between them listening to you or tuning you out.

5. Be a leader to those below you: As much as you want to climb the ladder, don’t forget to be a role model to those just getting started. They need you to set a good example.

6. Treat your business like a business: Even if direct selling isn’t your primary job, give it the time and respect it deserves, so one day you can make it your No.1 priority.

7. Research, research, research: Learn everything you can about potential customers, and your business. There’s no such thing as knowing too much.

8. Get strong at reading non-verbal cues: Customers often say more with their facial expressions and gestures than they do with words.

9. Act and don’t hesitate: When a decision needs to be made, don’t delay. Chances are, someone else is pursuing the same opportunity you are.

10. Confidence is everything: Belief in yourself is at least half the battle; think positive and you’ll get positive results.

WorldVentures Blog

Alison Boers